Tuesday, 30 December 2014

2014 a year in review

So my year in Meet Up  this year has definitely been an Angel year as I've been to various things throughout the year.

So January saw

1) Quiz night
2) Dirty Book club  Angel visit 1
3) Blitz Party
4) Science Museum lates
5) Final Friday drinks


1) Chinese New Year
2) Rumpus Angel trip 2
3) Dance walking
4)Art of Hearts Valentine's ball
5) TG
6) Quiz
7) Final Friday drinks


1) Carousel Angel trip 3
2)Once upon a grim Angel trip 4
4)Dance walk
5) Watford social birthday
6) Hellfire comedy
7) Disco Inferno
8) Imaginarium


1)Rumpus Angel trip 5
2) 40s experience
3) 40s dance
4) Bon Jovi tribute band
5) Dance walking
6) quiz
7) AC


1) Sounds familiar
2) TG
3)Roller disco speed dating
4) canal festival
5)Dance dating
6) Blues night


2) Dance walking Angel trip 6
3) quiz
4)west end live
5) zoo lates


1)dance walking
2)Ac Angel trip 7
3) chap Olympiad
4) Yolo bingo
5) Dance walking
6)final Friday
7)al fresco cinema


1) Camden beach
2) Dance walking
3)Dance walking
4)Regression sessions Angel trip 8
5)morning glory
6)double denim


1)school disco
2) Dance walking
3)planet Angel
4) imaginarium
5)morning glory
6) dating in the dark
7) dark circus


1) dance walking
3)London decompression
4)dance walking
5)final Friday


1) AC Angel trip 9
2)final Friday social
3) burlesque


1) scandal
3) New year at Horns

So dance walking x 11
Rumpus x 3
Speed dating x 3
Opportunities for fancy dress through meet up x 24  of various  Times and motivations. Some more to add to th cctv footage at bushey station. God knows what the staff think.

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